Kryetari: | |
Drejtor: | |
Trajner: |
Points | FG | FT | Rebs | Blck | Foul | ||||||||||||||||||||
Foto | Lojtari | Pozita | Gjatësia (cm) | Pesha (kg) | GP | Min | T | Avg | M | A | % | M | A | % | D | O | T | Ass | St | To | Fv | Ag | Cm | Rv | Indeksi |
Matches | Efficiency / Index | Time Leading |
28 | 1625 | 70.17834 |
Average | Total | |
Points | 68 | 1904 |
Rebounds | 32.64 | 914 |
Rebounds Defensive | 23.93 | 670 |
Rebounds Offesinve | 8.71 | 244 |
Assists | 13 | 364 |
Blocks | 1.64 | 46 |
Blocks Received | 3.04 | 85 |
Steals | 7.36 | 206 |
Turnovers | 15.18 | 425 |
Fouls Total | 19.43 | 544 |
Fouls On | 15.96 | 447 |
Bench Points | 17.54 | 491 |
Points In The Paint | 28.43 | 796 |
Points Second Chance | 8.5 | 238 |
Points Fast Break | 12.86 | 360 |
Points From Turnovers | 12.21 | 342 |
Made | Attempted | % | |
Free Throws | 250 | 396 | 0.631313 |
Two Pointers | 464 | 1087 | 0.426863 |
Three Pointers | 242 | 857 | 0.28238 |
Field Goals | 706 | 1944 | 0.363169 |
# | Ndeshjet | Rezultati | Shenuara | Pranuara | Kosh Diferenca |