Proton Cable Prizreni

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KB Prizreni ish KB Kalaja i njohur zyrtarisht si KB Ponte Prizreni për shkak të arsyes së sponsorizimit, është një klub profesionist basketbolli me seli në Prizren, Kosovë. Klubi aktualisht luan në Superligën e Basketbollit të Kosovës [1]. Sezoni 2018/19 është sezoni i parë në Superligën e Kosovës. Klubi aktualisht luan në qendrën sportive "Sezai Surroi", në qendër të Prizrenit, me një kapacitet për rreth 3200 spektatorë.


Points FG FT Rebs Blck Foul
Foto Lojtari Pozita Gjatësia (cm) Pesha (kg) GP Min T Avg M A % M A % D O T Ass St To Fv Ag Cm Rv Indeksi
ISAIAH KELLY PF 198 102 28 905.44 484 17.29 198 363 .55 69 170 .41 190 2.57 262 59 21 86 16 18 71 159 490
URIM ZENELAJ C 213 135 29 766.61 267 9.21 114 202 .56 39 67 .58 184 2.48 256 60 11 61 28 18 78 72 445
JEREMY IRELAND PF 203 110 1 17.18 7 7 3 5 .6 0 0 6 2 8 1 0 5 0 0 1 1 9
EDMOND KRYEZIU SF 193 90 29 509.84 160 5.52 56 161 .35 13 16 .81 69 0.24 76 36 13 22 2 2 60 13 157
ENDRIT QOVANAJ SF 195 75 7 42.98 15 2.14 6 14 .43 1 1 1 5 0 5 5 0 4 1 0 3 2 14
QËNDRIM AJAZAJ PF 193 95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LEURIT MORINA SG 187 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
BESMIR MEMAJ C 205 102 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ARBER SINANI SF 199 85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MUSAB MALA SG 186 88 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
IVAN KOLJEVIC PG 186 85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
RYAN HUGHES SG 193 90 3 13.43 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 2 0 0 2 0
Statistics powered by Genius Sports
  • FG - Field Goals
  • GP - Games Played
  • Min - Minutes Played
  • T - Total
  • Avg - Average
  • M - Made
  • A - Attempted
  • % - Percentage
  • D - Defesinve
  • O - Offesinve
  • Ass - Assists
  • St - Steals
  • To - Turnovers
  • Fv - in Favoure of
  • Ag - Againts
  • Cm - Committed
  • Rv - Received

Statistika për sezonën 2023/2024

Matches Efficiency / Index Time Leading
30 2776 463.88168
Average Total
Points 83.67 2510
Rebounds 42.47 1274
Rebounds Defensive 30.93 928
Rebounds Offesinve 11.53 346
Assists 18.3 549
Blocks 2.4 72
Blocks Received 3.33 100
Steals 6.03 181
Turnovers 16.73 502
Fouls Total 16.17 485
Fouls On 20.3 609
Bench Points 18.47 554
Points In The Paint 46.07 1382
Points Second Chance 11.67 350
Points Fast Break 21.33 640
Points From Turnovers 12.63 379
Made Attempted %
Free Throws 395 632 0.625
Two Pointers 747 1368 0.546053
Three Pointers 207 657 0.315068
Field Goals 954 2025 0.471111


# Ndeshjet Rezultati Shenuara Pranuara Kosh Diferenca
1 Sigal Prishtina vs Proton Cable Prizreni H 83 89 -6
2 Proton Cable Prizreni vs Peja H 85 115 -30
3 Peja vs Proton Cable Prizreni H 81 92 -11
4 Vëllaznimi vs Proton Cable Prizreni F 78 76 2
5 Bashkimi vs Proton Cable Prizreni H 68 82 -14
6 Proton Cable Prizreni vs Trepça H 88 108 -20
7 Golden Eagle Ylli vs Proton Cable Prizreni H 70 100 -30
8 Proton Cable Prizreni vs KB Istogu F 94 73 21
9 Proton Cable Prizreni vs Sigal Prishtina H 91 109 -18
10 Peja vs Proton Cable Prizreni F 108 103 5
11 Proton Cable Prizreni vs Vëllaznimi H 93 97 -4
12 Proton Cable Prizreni vs Bashkimi F 90 82 8
13 Trepça vs Proton Cable Prizreni H 76 104 -28
14 Proton Cable Prizreni vs Golden Eagle Ylli H 71 92 -21
15 KB Istogu vs Proton Cable Prizreni F 96 83 13
16 Sigal Prishtina vs Proton Cable Prizreni H 71 74 -3
17 Proton Cable Prizreni vs Peja H 93 111 -18
18 Vëllaznimi vs Proton Cable Prizreni H 70 86 -16
19 Bashkimi vs Proton Cable Prizreni H 58 77 -19
20 Proton Cable Prizreni vs Trepça H 68 71 -3
21 Golden Eagle Ylli vs Proton Cable Prizreni H 67 79 -12
22 Proton Cable Prizreni vs KB Istogu F 87 79 8
23 Proton Cable Prizreni vs Sigal Prishtina F 94 91 3
24 Peja vs Proton Cable Prizreni H 69 101 -32
25 Proton Cable Prizreni vs Vëllaznimi H 85 87 -2
26 Proton Cable Prizreni vs Bashkimi H 90 101 -11
27 Trepça vs Proton Cable Prizreni H 73 97 -24
28 Proton Cable Prizreni vs Golden Eagle Ylli H 63 96 -33
29 KB Istogu vs Proton Cable Prizreni F 108 99 9
30 Sigal Prishtina vs Proton Cable Prizreni H 90 108 -18
31 NEW Basket vs Proton Cable Prizreni F 116 93 23
32 Proton Cable Prizreni vs NEW Basket F 107 67 40
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